For Immediate Release
Contact Laura Scharr for more information: lscharr@gmail.com 803-331-3721, scsafeelections.org
SCSafeElections.org Supports the Make Elections Secure Again (MESA) Bill that Removes Electronics from Federal Elections and Ensures Transparency of the Vote
Lexington, SC -March 5th, 2025-
Momentum from Congress and Trump will revamp the election process to ensure a system for the people by the people:
Grassroots group SC Safe Elections (SCSE) has worked tirelessly to ensure that voters feel confident their vote is counted accurately and transparently. We have analyzed all steps in the process by canvassing eight counties, poll observation, analysis of the machine certification and vulnerabilities, scrutinizing federal and state election laws, and developing processes and procedures for re-engineering all phases of the election ecosystem as demonstrated in our Gold Standard Elections whitepaper.
We are excited to support Congressman Pete Session (R-Tx) ’s bold action in drafting a groundbreaking bill that repeals HAVA and replaces machines with hand-marked, hand-counted paper ballots that are counted at the precinct level. This bill limits precinct size to a maximum of 1,500 and calls for paper poll books to validate voters who must provide government-issued photo IDs and an affidavit of U.S. citizenship. Absentee ballot requests are limited to military personnel, overseas voters, and persons with physician-certified medical conditions.
Polls show that 60% of likely voters want to vote with hand-marked paper ballots, and 56% are willing to volunteer to hand-count those ballots on election night.
We urge our South Carolina legislators to follow Congressman Session’s lead by supporting Bill H 3628, the Gold Standard Election Bill. Representative Rob Harris, a member of SC Safe Elections and a fierce advocate for election reform, has sponsored this bill. He and his family have seen firsthand the issues regarding elections. Rep. Harris states, “The people of South Carolina deserve to know how their vote was counted and to have a transparent system. They need to be able to observe the entire process, including the ballot count. The Gold Standard Election Bill will help voters feel more confident that their vote was accurate.”
H3628 calls for:
- Registered voters must provide valid photo ID to confirm citizenship and residency
- Keeps the maximum precinct size to 1,500 but adds more poll workers -4 for each 250 electors
- Hand-counting of hand-marked paper ballots with paper poll books used for check-in
- All ballots (including absentee ballots) are to be counted at the precinct level- no vote centers
- One day of voting with Election Day designated as a state holiday;
- Strict chain of custody for all elements of the election process
- The public has complete observation of the process
SC Safe Elections urges all SC legislators to prioritize and support this bill to preserve our constitutional republic and respond to the people’s will. We also encourage citizens in SC to call their representatives and senators to ask them to support elections for the people by the people by supporting H3628.